In addition to conventional payments by mail or in person, payment may be made securely online with E-Check or Credit and Debit Card. In addition, automated monthly payments may be made by signing up for Hawaiiana's SurePay service.
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Find out if you’re eligible for online paperless eStatements
Need to cancel your SurePay?
Cancel your SurePay automatic fee deductions here
SurePay Cancellation Form
We also accept conventional payment methods
Lockbox Payment
Payments may be mailed to Hawaiiana's Lockbox. Just enclose your check with your coupon or statement in the payment envelope provided by Hawaiiana. If you do not have a coupon or statement, please call our office at (808) 593-9100 and ask to speak to the assigned accountant for your association.
Payment Window
Payments may be made in person on the first floor of Hawaiiana's Honolulu Office, where they are received by an authorized Cash Receipts Clerk. Our payment window is located at:
Hawaiiana Management Company, Ltd.
Pacific Park Plaza-Ground Floor
711 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 150
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
8am–5pm, Monday - Friday, except Holidays.
Payments will be accepted only during open business hours.
We are sorry, parking validation is not available.
Need some extra help?
Have specific questions about your account? Contact an Accounting Specialist directly.
(808) 440-5530
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